Monday, April 12, 2021

Sapphire Valley Resort / Area News April 11 - 14, 2021

News from around Sapphire Valley - Cashiers, NC:

Wednesday April 14: 2-5PM - Village Green Farmers Market - fresh, locally grown fruits, vegetables, canned goods.

[More About The Village Green/Cashiers Green Market]

Sapphire Valley Resort Guests:

Some weekly glasses have started plus the great Tuesday morning  breakfast.[Check Out Sapphire Valley Resort Daily Classes]

More Concerts:
More seasonal concepts have been posted on our Area Events Calendar!
Area Events Calendar | Stay
Informed - Follow This Blog

About our
Black Bear Favicon:

Did you know
the black bear is the only bear species found in North
Carolina or anywhere in the eastern United States?

See our Bear Hunt video,
learn more about black bears and safety precautions you
should know.  [Black Bears]

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